Make up


                                      Learn how to makeup yourself and look like a model

 People have a problem with not experimenting with the makeup. The habit of one reflection in the mirror that is your favorite is hard to change. But more often woman start to consult with professionals
First step in properly applied make-up is determined by the shape of the face, and with that you might have done the most important step in makeup. Then comes properly putting a surface, which must correspond with the ten and on which you can easy play with the decorative makeup, but all that need to be adjusted to moderate limits to avoid the opposite effect or clown-look. Always for properly putting some makeup, the best is to consult with a professional, who will correctly point you out, and you will not make a mistake.

 Cat eye makeup can give you a stylish look, sexy and suitable for every occasion.
Here are few easy steps how to apply cat eye makeup. So try it.

Proper technique to apply eye shadow

How to achieve smoky eyes 

Arabic style make-up 

Eye makeup styles

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