
Reasons for increased body weight

The question: "Who is the biggest reason for increased body weight?", can be easily answered. The one and the biggest reason is consuming food in large amounts in relation to the needs of the organism.
Reasons for consuming food in large amounts are:
  1. Hunger for natural salt
  2. Hungar for natural sugar
  3. Lack of calcium salt
  4. Hunder for fat with unsaturated natural sugar
  5. Creation of reserves
  6. Feeling of enjoying in the food
  7. Habits of consuming food
  8. Stress as a factor, that affects on appetite
  9. Lack of sleeping
  10. Monotony
The advice I can give you for surely reduce of the body weight is simple:
"Burn more calories that you consume".


Diet with ice cream

The breakfast is the same for all 7 days and it is compound of glass of yogurt or milk, 2 pieces of integral tost, small spoon of marmalade or honey.

Lunch: ice cream, banana or 2 peaches.
Dinner: white chicken meat with vegetable, green salad with olive oil and lemon juice, 2 pieces of integral bread.
Dessert: 2 balls of milk ice cream.

Lunch: chocolate ice cream, 2 peaches.
Dinner: pasta with tomato and basil, cereals with milk, tomato salad with olive oil.
Dessert: 2 balls of ice cream with whipped cream.

Lunch: fruity ice cream, 2 peaches.
Dinner: welded broccoli, onion i pepper, roasted pepper with olive oil, 2 pieces of integral bread.
Dessert: icy milky drink.

Lunch: sandwich- ice cream, banana or 2 peaches.
Dinner: salad 150 grams with seafood, 4 pieces of non fat roast or welded ham.
Dessert: Fruity salad with ball of fruity ice cream.

Lunch: ice cream on your choice, 2 pieces of melon or watermelon.
Dinner: white fish on grill with little oil, vegetable on grill, 2 pieces of integral bread.
Dessert: icy cake.

For the weekend, for lunch and dinner combine ice cream on your choice with portion of white chicken meat or white fish on grill and green salad. For dessert have a milkshake or ice cream with low calories.

Banana diet

With this diet you have to eat 2-3 bananas in a day and one glass of milk, which you should split it in few meals during the day. With this diet you could lose to 3 kg of your weight, but because of the considerably reduction of nutritive substances this diet could last just to 3 days. Especially is recommended to those people who easily fall in a depressive condition while they are on diet, because the banana has an antidepressant effect.

Diet with apples

There is more variants of this diet, and I offer you the most popular:
1 day - 1 kg of apples
2 day - 1.5 kg of apples
3 day - 2 kg of apples
4 day - 2 kg of apples
5 day - 1.5 kg of apples
6 day - 1 kg of apples 
You can drink tea, and more reccomended is green tea, without sugar. It is allowed to consume few pieces of dry bread like melba toast. With this diet you could lose 5-6 kg, but it comes to considerably reduction of nutritive substances in the organism.

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